The negative space, the contents of the silence,
The Space with stars and suns turned inside out,
Like Kant’s philosophy. The moral law within us
Draws from the good old second helping of self-doubt.
A selfie of her mind flipped horizontally,
A watch that goes back to when we were bored,
Collective memory of simple that breaks easily,
That lasts like lazy laser cuts on motherboard.
A lazy dog that jumps and jumps, the fox to quick
To click her teeth, to double click the cursor,
It circles back in time to when this space was built
The roads laid and layered on to curse her.
But back to basics as the vinyl spins,
The yellow brick road of her map connects the dots she felt.
Fills in the blanks, solves puzzles of the intertwined
Geometries that come together as the buckle on the belt
The windy road travels thru the game back to
Reality she thought she could control; she must control the drift,
The shift, the rift, the lift. The shift is halfway over
Punch out the timecard, see through, reflect, explore!